
 It is a modern Egyptian investment company established with future goals and visions to keep pace with the remarkable development in the world of coffee and tourist facilities in our Arab world, especially in our beloved country, Egypt, to help improve public taste and help spread and advance customer culture and provide quality by attracting a group of experts to work in an integrated system and under one umbrella, which is Caffeeegy.

Owner and Founder:

Retired Airlines Captain / Fareed A. Al-Arabi was inspired by the idea through trips and visits to more than half of the countries of the world for the nature of his work and with each visit to a country preceded by his passion for coffee and continues to search and taste many different types and mixtures and unique from one listener and another and write down the cultures of the many societies he visited and what distinguishes them in coffee in particular and the differences in tastes and during all this trip I concluded that coffee is a science, study and technical industry and very important and not Just a commodity to be bought and sold, it is a world full of challenges, and also note that quality always has foundations and standards that people do not disagree on, but it requires stability and continuous follow-up of the global development in the industry and the modern generation of tools, equipment and methods that contribute significantly to the quality of production and its management, and all of this needs to be fully dedicated.

Therefore, when the time came, he began to study coffee science, the Egyptian market, supplier networks, and professional production lines that will help to implement the plan with professional methods and tools and try the multiple types of coffee, including commercial coffee, specialty coffee, etc. and decided to start establishing the company and making his brand with the professional team.

Products Information:

First, at Caffeeegy, coffee is always roasted fresh from reaching our customers with the best taste and highest quality.

Secondly, powders have been in increasing demand recently and have been manufactured with quality comparable to European. Without pride, the finest of them work with the finest materials to reach an innovative and excellent final product.

Third, we were keen to provide the best raw materials required as they are, such as luxurious African cocoa and multi-benefit Chinese matcha tea.

Services provided by Caffeeegy:

We have established a special section for technical consulting and research for all workers in the field to help them upgrade and develop facilities

A special section for training for professional baristas by studying a practical and theoretical scientific approach to prepare for the labor market with an increased demand for specialists and professionals in all fields.

We have established a technical support department to help with live and electronic facilities marketing.

Last but not least, Caffeeegy aspires to spread the culture of coffee and improve the general taste of the public by starting to make points of sale for our products in the governorates of Egypt soon to reach all categories and styles.